Weigh moving goods without wasting time
Around the world, cranes are used to load ships, vehicles and containers. Casting and charging cranes handle material flows in foundries and steelworks. These materials must be frequently, reliably and accurately weighed, and without any delay.

Qlar supplies the perfect solution: electromechanical crane scale systems for all required classes of accuracy, customized for specific projects and applications, from systematically planned standard solutions through to customised design.

Complete single-source solution:
Qlar scales use specially developed load cells or sensors, plus the modular DISOMAT electronic data compatible analysis system.

The weighing data can be transmitted to printers, secondary display units or to electronic processing systems via infrared or radio transmission. The DISOMAT unit and the corresponding display and recording instrumentation can be installed on the crane itself or as a stationary unit. No special training is required to operate this unit.

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Benefit from our decades of experience and know-how, based on hundreds of installations.

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