e-nizing.io, a platform to visualize the status of all machines, independently of its vendor, can be experienced at MWC Barcelona

e-nizing®, a newly founded daughter company of Schenck Process, will present its newest innovation www.e-nizing.io on the mobile world congress in Barcelona from Monday, February, 25, 2019 to Thursday, February 28, 2019 at booth 8.0K21, Hall 8.0.

www.e-nizing.io is a solution to visualize, analyze and predict the status of all machines, no matter if it is Schenck Process- or any other equipment. By setting limits for data points, actions can be triggered to notify the platform’s users.

e-nizing.io was developed with a deep industry understanding of both IT and mechanical engineering. The platform’s creation was fostered by customers, which gave their feedback into the development process. It was released to the market in January 2019.

For more information, visit the e-nizing team at booth 8.0K21, Hall 8.0

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MWC Barcelona 2019

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