Whats it all about?

Achieving the longevity of plastics can be realised through many different methods.
Chemical recycling comes in place, when none of the other processes, due to certain circumstances, can be applied anymore. To prevent losing the plastics to landfills or energetic incineration and therefore saving resources, latest trends have gone to “chemical recycling” inside the EU over the last few years.

Also official governancial targets have been set. Among others the EU has formulated goals that have to be achieved within a given period of time by certain companies. – Always with the long-term goal, to reach maximum circularity in all economic/industrial branches.

None the less trends tend to end, which is why since 2021 recycling rates have stagnated or even decreased in some industries. Leading to the disposal of waste through landfill operations and incineration again.

Chemical Recycling is the process of converting polymeric waste by changing its chemical structure and turning it back into substances that can then be used as raw materials for other (plastic) products.

Diving deeper into chemical recycling, one will find out, that there are plenty of different methods. Just to mention four of the most common:

  • Pyrolysis
  • Gasification
  • Hydro-Cracking
  • Depolymerisation

Why Qlar/Schenck Process?

We provide solutions for post-consume recycling and mixed plastics. Offering consulting, planning and maintenance services all from one hand, we are your strong partner!

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and Mixed Plastics are two of the main waste generating materials in the world eventhough they can be recycled. Recognizing this potential and combining it with steadfast will to make a change, can bring up remarkably bright possibilities for companies in the future. In addition to that, recent developments within EU legislation also point in the direction of circularity in the future and it is conceivable that companies will be obliged to invest in waste-preventing technologies in the future.

Of course before one can feed the mixed plastics from e.g. PET into a reactors chamber, there are quite a few challenges that need to be solved in beforehand. We are your reliable partner in smooth and precise feeding of materials. Especially in such processes this is of utmost importance to constantly have stable feed rates. Besided being able to dose the materials very constant and linear in general, our products can also handle material that is of low weight and poor flowing properties.

Our deep footprint in chemical and petrochemical industries make us a valuable partner and potent project manager. From planning the optimal system for your plant to actually engineering and assembling it, we are your all-in-one solution.

Our experts have tested hundreds of combinations in our company own test centres located in Darmstadt, Germany and Jenec, Czech Republic and have gathered precious knowledge about the flowing properties of certain materials. It does not matter wheter the materials that need to be dosed are of high volume or low bulk density, we can master it! So what are you waiting for?

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