MULTIRAIL Bogie Test Bench is part of a new generation of bogie test rigs fit for the future. One prominent feature is the fully electro-mechanical design with spindle technology which ensures extremely efficient work practices and high levels of precision.

A bogie test rig generates static test forces which simulate the weight of the rail car body. These test forces are introduced through the bogie via the wheels to the measurement equipment. Under load, the test rig calculates the static vertical wheel forces, a major input measurement parameter for optimum bogie adjustment using shims. Nowadays, they occupy a central position in production as well as the test process and are therefore often used for geometric monitoring measurement and adjustment tasks.

Whether it be new vehicle construction or maintenance, locomotive or high-speed bogies, MULTIRAIL Bogie Test Benches will make your production and test process more efficient and accurate for improved safety.

To provide the optimum bogie test rig for every application, we provide MULTIRAIL Bogie Test Bench in three different designs.

  • MULTIRAIL Bogie Test Bench pro: Whether maximum product variety, high throughput, ultra-flexible testing facilities,
    minimal setup times and precision accuracy are required, MULTIRAIL Bogie Test
    Bench pro is the right choice. The high-tech device for testing bogies in high-speed
    trains is also suited to vehicle development and for special tests.
  • MULTIRAIL Bogie Test Bench plus: Regular maintenance and repairs are indispensable for smooth operations. If a device is required to efficiently service regional trains, underground trains or trams, this solution variant offers value for money perfectly suited to this job.
  • MULTIRAIL Bogie Test Bench eco: Integration stand and load testing in one go. When assembling and disassembling bogies with a combined load check, the individual vertical wheel forces in the bogie have to be quickly checked with sufficient accuracy. MULTIRAIL Bogie Test Bench eco combines the two functions of „load“ and „wheel load measurement“ in a bogie test rig on a shared workstation.

MULTIRAIL Bogie Test Bench  

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